Anxiety in Children

In today’s world, people are plagued by a plethora of diseases and disorders. One of them is anxiety. Those who are not aware of what anxiety is must realize that it is a mental health disorder that is associated with feelings of worry and fear. Severe anxiety can prove to be debilitating as it disrupts an individual’s daily routine. Anxiety disorder includes panic attacks and even post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ). While anxiety is usually found among adults, toddler anxiety is now on the rise. If you look around, you will find that anxiety in kids is becoming a common occurrence by the hour. More and more children are becoming susceptible to this disorder at a very young age. Anxiety in children might often go unnoticed as babies are unable to express their feelings and emotions in an articulate manner.  As caregivers, it is our responsibility to identify common symptoms such as constant crying or uncontrollable outbursts. Once we’ve discovered what ails our little ones, helping kids with anxiety becomes easier with proper precautions and medical intervention.

If you look around, you will find that anxiety in kids is becoming a common occurrence by the hour. More and more children are becoming susceptible to this disorder at a very young age. Anxiety in children might often go unnoticed as babies are unable to express their feelings and emotions in an articulate manner.  As caregivers , it is our responsibility to identify common symptoms such as constant crying or uncontrollable outbursts. Once we’ve discovered what ails our little ones , helping kids with anxiety becomes easier with proper precautions and medical intervention.

anxiety in a child

What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety In Children?

  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Loss of appetite and not eating properly.
  • Constant stomach aches and digestive issues.
  • Incessant crying.
  • Being clingy.
  • Irritability, negative thoughts, and uncontrollable outbursts.
  • Sleeplessness and sleepwalking can also be found in some cases.


How To Help A Child With Anxiety?

There are a few methods to treat childhood anxiety that are recommended by doctors.  Some of them are as follows :

  • Counseling is one of the most effective methods of treatment. Here, professionals help in locating the source of anxiety. Upon recognizing the source and causes of anxiety, an appropriate treatment plan can be charted for desired results.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is another form of therapy where the professional talks to your child and helps them cope with their anxiety in a healthy manner.
  • In severe cases , anti-anxiety medication may be prescribed in order to help children with anxiety.


What Can You Do As A Parent ?

Helping children with anxiety requires much more than just counseling or medication. Parental support and involvement is bound to play a major role in alleviating childhood anxiety. There exist multiple factors that contribute to anxiety in children. Some of them are :

  • Parents fighting and arguing endlessly.
  • The constant moving of houses or changing schools.
  • Feelings of neglect.
  • Parents not spending enough quality time with their children.
  • Bullying in school or outside.
  • Constant academic pressure.
  • Falling ill, getting into an accident, or losing a close family member or friend.


Tackling these situations with sensitivity, compassion, and empathy is of utmost importance. Failure to do so might worsen your child’s anxiety. If you believe your child’s condition demands professional help, seeking it in time will make all the difference.

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