Wonder Why Your Kid Is Silent? | Right Brain Education

Right-brained dominant learners possess a tendency to defy ‘normal’ learning conventions. They have a different but unique path of learning. In actuality, they adore learning yet despise being taught. These children are exceedingly observant as their brains are naturally pattern-seeking. This behavioural attribute might contribute to your child’s silence. It is a foundational trait of your child’s personality which shouldn’t be worrisome. Conduct of right brain activities will assist in assuaging your child’s transition from a conducive, homey environment to a relatively threatening and provocative social atmosphere. These activities are a marvelous and amusing median for banjaxing communicative barriers. They will stir empathy in your children and enrich their proliferation. As your child repeatedly performs entertaining right brain activities, his social anxiety will wither and his emotional quotient will be heightened. His transition from an introvert to an extrovert will be implicitly impressive. He will look forward to monotonous activities like a visit to the museum if accompanied by friends. As your child constantly engages in interactive activities, his confidence and self-esteem will soar. He will metamorphose into an amicable individual with a passion for learning. Along with practicing genial activities for right brain development, an encouraging environment is quintessential and indispensable. Constant nurturing and support is absolutely vital in your child’s development. A marvelous method of bonding with your child would be assisting him in the right brain activities he performs. This will instill a curiosity to learn.  He should be allowed to grasp concepts with the help of personal experience. It may seem that your child prefers being solitary but he might be immersed in his thoughts. Being a keen observer, he would rather acquire knowledge about his surroundings rather than adding to it. He would pick up cues from his observation and then behave accordingly. This also allows him to be astonishingly creative as he doesn’t engage in social activities often. Right brain activities are usually group activities. Through them, his potential will be tapped and his social skills will also flourish. Parents could click pictures with their children and preserve them. Pictorial scrapbooks are a great tool for stimulating the visual centers of the brain associated with good memories. Performing these activities will stimulate your child’s mental, physical and emotional growth and will ultimately transform him into an affable tot who will be admired by all. One mustn’t overlook the fact that a child’s silence might also be due to greater medical disorders such as selective mutism, anxiety, and autism. A doctor should be consulted to gain insight regarding this. Other contributing factors include tragic experiences in the child’s past, demoralising and dispiriting criticism from parents, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem. One mustn’t neglect the impact of an affectionate and healthy atmosphere on a child’s development.

Anger Management: 7 Exercises To Control Your Child’s Anger

Anger Management: 7 Exercises To Control Your Child’s Anger Too much anger or aggression in kids is a result of mismanaged feelings. Aren’t they? Feeling out of control or impulse reactions from young children is a common sign of anger manifestation. These signs reflect multitudinous repercussions over time. As parents, you must know the techniques for relaxing your child in such situations. Because an eye for an eye would not tame your child’s aggression. Reciprocating the anger at your child constantly usually backfires in a form of rough emotions. It can also make your little one more resentful. However, when a child is born, their mind is right dominant. Which makes it essential for you to be loving & patient with your child. Don’t let your child lose their right brain dominance by only being strict & disciplined. Your little one needs a loving environment to learn things & sway their anger in seconds. You can tap into your child’s potential with the benefits of right-brain training. This gives a boost to a child’s mind to develop creativity & empathy. When they’ll be in a position to understand others’ feelings, it will help them control their anger. You must make them learn the difference between healthy & unhealthy anger. We at Tickle Right recommend cutting out on negative feelings & channelizing their energy positively. Anger Management For Kids Getting angry in certain circumstances is completely normal even for kids. After all, they are behavioral reactions. However, there is an underlying difference between normal emotions & aggressive behavior. Your child’s conduct can also take the form of temper tantrums & continued frustration as a behavioral pattern. The purpose of anger management for kids is to psychologically control their feelings & the arousal that follows them. It’s suggested that babies manifest excellent results because of their right brain dominance. You can treat anger management in children by making the best of their potential. Your child must not be deprived of their right brain abilities in a world of left-brain dominance. Harsh discipline of strict actions will stimulate your child’s left brain. Whereas, the right way is to involve your child in activities & exercises that will trigger rich creativity in them.   7 Exercises To Control Your Child’s Anger A child’s anger or tantrums has to tame by staying calm & avoiding triggers for them. As their emotions may result in a form of lashing, the rise of negative reactions is not uncommon here. Your child may scream, cry, bite, or throw objects by creating a stressful situation for themselves. It becomes very important to manage their emotions right away because your child is unable to handle the frustration.  Help your child get over this overwhelming situation by adopting a problem-solving approach listed below: 1. Develop A Vocabulary Of Emotions  Your child must be familiar with their emotions. They must be in a position to let you know what they are feeling & develop an alternative approach to tackle anger. When your little one learns the essence of different words like angry, upset, furious, irritated, & enraged. It helps them convey their anger beforehand & differently. This can also be a substitute for hitting, crying, kicking, or throwing objects to express anger. It’s important to have a conversation with your child & assert optimism in such situations.   2. Teach Healthy Expression  Who doesn’t get angry? Merely everyone. It’s important to protect your child from any adult problems if any. A healthy way to handle angry feelings would be to take your child to another room or an isolated area, away from the cause at the moment. Because kds must know the right way to express their frustration or anger. You can offer comforting objects like a coloring book, crayons, pens, or a music player to calm them. Your child can also take time out of the situation. As parents, you can use an alternative set of words to calm them. Instead of asserting, “Why are you throwing objects?”, you can say, “Walk into another room when you get angry.”   3. Involvement In Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities are always a blissful experience for kids. Aren’t they? Extracurricular activities for kids at any age help channel their bursts of energy into enriched creativity. Not only this but it also focuses on skill-building & stimulates excellence. Activities like art, music, drama, sports, and dance enhance social skills & disciplinary approach. You can ask your child to indulge in these activities when they are angry. This will give them a sense of relaxation. Also an opportunity to put down their anger & lighten their mood.    4. Practice Breathing Exercises Breathing exercises for kids are very helpful when they are furious or angry. When your child is going through such emotional reactions, insist on counting to five. Ask them to take a pause & repeat it again for quick results. Whenever your child does this, their body goes into a rest & relaxation mode. It helps fetch more oxygen into the bloodstream & creates a physical impact on the body. This is a way to eliminate stress & experience maximum relaxation.    5. Be Your Child’s Role Model Young children have the tendency to imitate their parent’s actions & words. You must set a good example of how you react when you are angry. Your reactions have a great impact on your child’s mind. So, you must think through it before you react. Always refrain from lashing out or throwing objects while angry. If you’re willing to instill positive coping skills in your child, you must demonstrate the exact behavior. This helps your child deal with anger the right way.   6. Display Comfort & Emotions  It’s important to take some time out & show love & affection to your child. So, whenever your child is angry or furious, your physical presence adds a lot of meaning to calm your child. Lots of physical contact like cuddles, stroking, or a warm hug helps

Right Brain Education: Importance And Why Start Early?

Right Brain Education: Importance And Why Start Early? What do you think is the ultimate goal of right-brain education? It’s activating a child’s intrinsic desire to learn & explore. Right brain education implies nurturing both brain hemispheres for a child’s holistic development. It extends to forgoing the conventional methods of teaching & redefining new ways. It directly helps broaden the scope of knowledge & skills a child adapts to in the course of development.  We at Tickle Right promote education methods that adhere to developing an effective synergy. The coordination advances both the lobes of the brain equally. Their objective is to sow the seeds for skill development from the beginning itself. These great life skills consist of social skills, language skills, high attention span, photographic memory, & critical thinking skills primarily.    What Is Right Brain Education? Right Brain Education is a brain development program for children in the age group of 1.5 to 7 years. It is specially designed for early childhood learning. This method governs a series of specific teaching techniques that allow children to learn in an entirely new manner. It is further followed by a different procedure that nurtures both lobes of the brain including the stimulation of vocal & visual centers. The promptness of the right brain hemisphere is associated with perceiving the information in a joyous manner. This demands the execution of brain development activities, extracurricular activities, & mind games for kids. It pledges in building confidence that boosts brain power to make the best of their talent. It also promotes dynamic development that reflects imagination, creativity, & innovation.  The stimulation of the left brain hemisphere is related to laying the foundation of logical & analytical thinking. You can relate it with exercising left-brain activities to support low-speed data processing. The main objective is to help provide the exposure necessary for the development of synaptic connections.   Importance Of Right Brain Education  The learning curve of children seeking right brain education is different than that of others. Since parents play an imperative role in a child’s life & their brain enrichment. They must focus on ensuring that their little one is employing right-brain activities & exercises during the early stage of learning. As it is a method of fledging confidence, excellent memory power, & extraordinary self-esteem amongst other benefits. Read ahead to know its importance. 1. Promotes Cognitive Development Right-brain education lays the foundation for effective cognitive development from the initial level. It sets off a child’s learning journey by focusing on improving the synaptic connections. It is a way to nurture both brain hemispheres while exposing them to constant information. As a result, which takes the form of an ability to perceive & respond to things rightly. This helps them perform excellently in both the educational & non-educational subject matters.   2. Enhances Creativity & Innovation  The best practices of right-brain education make your child think out-of-the-box by fostering creative thinking in them. It encourages children to be innovative & powers them to self-express. Since creativity supports mental growth by a means of problem-solving. It also nurtures a child’s emotional & social well-being via the freedom of expression & understanding of different expressions. It impacts many aspects of a child’s life including developing tolerance & empathy.    3. Builds Photographic Memory  Photographic memory in kids is their ability to quickly recall information from a picture they sights. Right-brain education lays the foundation for creative thinking & audio-eidetic memory. Since a child’s photographic memory is gathered on the right side of the brain. Activities that focus on strengthening this memory skill trigger their visual stimulus for a response. It helps your child grasp information quickly & establishes long-term memory for it. One such technique to do is – Flashcards Learning   4. Boosts Speech & Language Skills A child’s language development is a comprehensive process. It begins even before birth & takes a quick gear during the first 5 years of a child’s life. A high-quality interaction via the sessions of the right-brain education program taps into a child’s undiscovered language skills. You can encourage such linguistic behavior by initiating quick conversations, interacting in your home language, & reading with your child. Be your child’s role models as they will copy your words & actions!   5. Powers Social & Emotional Skills Another reason why right brain education must be an indispensable part of your child’s brain learning is – a child’s social & emotional development. As they go through & are exposed to different emotions almost every day. It extends to their instant mood swings, temper flare-ups, & fussiness. Helping your child manage these reactions to establish a healthy reaction is what this program does. Training emotion regulation from methods like experiences, relationships, & storytelling gives a sense of both right & wrong.    6. Backs Holistic Development Right brain education advances holistic brain development that prepares a child to encounter any day-to-day requirements & challenges. The main objective is to expand their full potential to lay the grounding for social adaptability and emotional intelligence. There are various components of this development powered by unique teaching techniques. Such as physical strengthening, cognitive enhancement, social enlightenment, & linguistic competence.   Why Start Right Brain Education Early?  A child requires an increasingly dynamic environment to achieve great feats of creativity, imagination, & innovation. Their future endeavors & overall personality depend on your smart decisions made today. Their foreseen achievements similar to this requires constant exposure to information creatively. However, a program as interesting as right brain development & brain learning focuses entirely on activities that stimulate & power effective childhood development.  Kids are naturally born with 100 billion neural connections that exchange information via a synaptic connection. As their brain develops from right to left, this becomes the prime time to start early learning as per studies. Your child’s right brain is dominant during the first three years of their development. This brings them to an unconscious & subconscious state for skill building

6 Most Engaging Extracurricular Activities For Kids

6 Most Engaging Extracurricular Activities For Kids Are you looking for a means to engage your child in extracurricular activities that will excite your little one? Well, in an age of focused educational upliftment, expanding your child’s horizon beyond the academic curriculum is a must today. This goes much without the saying – “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So you wouldn’t want your Jack (or Jill) to turn into a dull kid, do you? The fundamental role of an educational structure is to impart wholesome training that nurtures your child from an overall perspective. This must not only include academic training but extra-curricular activities too to create an environment of skill-building. We at Tickle Right foster our intention by creating an on-the-mark right brain education plan to fine-tune the methods of learning.  As per this, an excellent balance between academics & extra-curricular activities is what your child needs at the moment. If your little one is under 6 years, these activities will not only help your child develop holistically, but will also instill confidence in them. Furthermore, a love for learning will strengthen their intellectual potential followed by a coordinated social development. Read ahead, to get to know more about the most engaging activities that can transform your baby into a strong, empathetic social kid.   What Counts As An Extracurricular Activity?  An extracurricular activity is a set of different activities set apart from day-to-day academics. You can also refer to it as an act of physical & social growth inculcated with the help of real-time interactive sessions. This is most likely an opportunity to unveil the best interests of a child by perceiving their passion.  These activities can include art, music, drama, sports, & other activities. They have been distinctly designed keeping in mind the kind of problem it solves or the skills it transmits to make the best of its talent. Moreover, these efforts can take the form of the following adroitness for your child’s progress – Problem-solving skills Character building Physical growth Social developments Creative abilities   Benefits Of Extracurricular Activities For Kids  It is not only important for your little one to be in a promotive environment but be a part of a space where they can channel their energy & creativity willingly. A great extracurricular activity will also boost your child’s social skills magically. At Tickle Right, we also encourage parents to sit down with their kids during the sessions to develop a healthy parent-child bond.  Amongst other things, have a look at the benefits of extracurricular activities for your loving kid. It’s time to expose your child to such benefits. Enhances social interaction Boosts self-confidence Promotes academic achievements Nurtures cultural values Disciplinary approach Psychological development Provides learning opportunities Brings out the unseen talent   When Should Kids Start Extracurriculars? For a child under the age of 6 years is good to enroll in an extracurricular activity fun session. The interactive sessions in the form of co-curricular activities shall be a means of cognitive enhancement for your little one. We also help your child catch hold of skills like – photogenic memory, creative thinking, musical appreciation, & creative progress. These skills help you find the right fit for your child.    6 Most Engaging Extracurricular Activities For Kids It’s always a great sign if your little one is academically sound. However, irrespective of the fact, that when your child learns to draw or dance their heart out, this gives wings to the overall personality development. The below-mentioned extracurricular activities are a brilliant way for your child to engage & score some high grades at the same time. Today, these alternative activities are a new way to deal with conventional education norms. And to enhance a child’s emotional, social, moral, & aesthetic development, these activities will go hand in hand to create the perfect synergy. Art  Art/Painting/Sketching are the skills often associated with a lot of fun & creativity. One of the right brain functions of the brain also includes being a creative genius. Working with colors helps engage a child & improve motor skills, establish problem-solving skills & promote self-expression. Creating art also joins the dots of neural connections by creating a mind map of what to draw or color.   Music Music is another form of self-expression that your child can communicate either by playing an instrument or choosing to sing. All the more, if it’s a classical genre, it also helps promote cultural understanding. Although, you must take a chance with your child – because maybe your little one can be excellent at doing both. Moreover, music is something that will help your child develop patience, and improve coordination with a laser-light focus on what’s happening around them.   Drama Drama can evolve your child to be a better storyteller. Not only this but it also develops better language & communication skills. Every character played via a drama scene expresses different emotions & presents an opportunity to understand different issues. It also helps develop a perception & promotes empathy at every stage. Given the benefits, it can be an important tool for your child that helps develop tolerance & concentration.   Sports Well, sports include a lot of activities. Owing to the energy it imparts, this can be football, cycling, running, jumping, swimming, or any other sports activity for your child. The habit of playing sports develops patience, physical strength, promotes coordination and promotes exposure to an active lifestyle. Amongst other benefits, teamwork is such a skill that allows kids to make friends & mingle with them.   Dance There are so many dance forms to choose from that help kids express motion, flexibility, & their love for dance. As far as health benefits are concerned, it also encourages neurological development & physical fitness. When kids enroll in dance classes, it also helps them trigger positive emotions. So, introduce your little one to contemporary styles, ballet, hip-hop, and classical dance forms to create an emotional-practical synergy.   

Tips on Effective Parenting | Brain Development Program

Parenting is the power that parents possess to mold their children into decent and loving individuals.   Firmness Instill discipline in your child from an early age. Set strict boundaries. Clearly, state the consequences and adhere to them when inappropriate and undesirable behavior commences. Parenting is much more than just providing materialistic things for your children. Fairness Ensure that you aren’t too harsh on your child. The punishment should correspond with the crime. If the crime is a recurring one, mention the retribution in advance so your toddler knows what to expect. Simultaneously, reward your child for excelling in disciplines of his inclination.  Friendliness Stick to a friendly but firm communication pattern when creating awareness amongst your fledglings regarding inappropriate behavior. Try laboring at ‘catching them doing good’ and praise them for their spiffing attitude. Quit imposing yourself on your child and create a strong, friendly bond rather than being a boss. Don’t sit on a pedestal and dictate commands to him. Be humble and place yourself below him to interact with him in an efficacious manner. Nurture them with true affection People often misconstrue love by catering to every whim of a petulant child. You mustn’t spoil them unnecessarily. Instead, willingly accept the role of the villain for their benefit and welfare.   Encourage their natural spirituality Create an atmosphere where meddling of media like parents, teachers, televisions, etc is minimized and the child’s growth isn’t facing impediments. Ensure that he’s proliferating and growing into his intelligence rather than into your identity of religion. Your hatchling will become naturally spiritual before learning the word ‘ spirituality‘.   The positive and supportive ambiance Setting an example of fear and anxiety will result in the dwindling of your child’s joy. They will learn the same without any hesitation. Ergo, establish a joyous, supportive, jubilant and exultant aura and atmosphere. Bookmark the permalink.

Early Childhood Care – Then and Now

The vitality of quality early childhood care and education has been acknowledged by psychologists since innumerable years. The importance of the first five years of a fledgling’s life ( also known as the formative years) is tremendous. A brain development program for kids would vehemently alter their development in a lucrative manner. In the last decade, discoveries of neuroscience reveal that brain development is rapid and extensive during the first three years of a child’s life. It is also more vulnerable to environmental influences than ever suspected. The brain development program adopted by educational institutions for kids could make or mar your child’s personality as they have impressionable minds. A vast number of schools emulate the Montessori approach to education. This system was developed by the renowned Italian physician and educator, Marie Montessori. Her quintessential modus operandi is comprised of a constructivist or discovery model, where students absorb concepts by working with materials rather than direct instruction. This brain development program allows freedom of movement within the classroom with the guidance of a trained Montessori teacher. Mixed age classrooms with children between the age group of 2.5 to 6 years are also essential.   This idealistic brain development program for kids generally includes activities for engaging in practical skills. They use tactile materials for the development of senses and concepts. It is also composed of a wide array of math materials, language materials, music and art materials. A few studies, however, fail to support the hypothesis that this brain development program is associated with higher academic achievement. With the revolutions in technology and scientific research, education has taken formidable leaps. Parents go to great lengths to ensure that their child’s proliferation isn’t hampered. However, they tend to neglect the significance of whole brain development due to benightedness. A supportive and creative atmosphere has an enormous bearing on a child’s optimum proliferation.   A brain development program for kids usually concentrates on the proliferation of a single hemisphere. The synergy between both of them will have positive and far-reaching consequences. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres – the right and the left. The right side operates creativity, social and visual skills along with intuition. The left hemisphere controls sequencing, language, math, and rational thoughts. Balancing the use of both has utmost gravity and significance when our potential is concerned. This can be attained through stimulation of the right brain. A brain development program for kids should focus on the integration of left and right brain activities for outstanding results. Educational institutions must also adopt these innovative techniques for the toddlers’ effective mental advancement. Early brain development qualifies your lad to strike a balance between intellectual and emotional intelligence. This helps to realise a child’s potential to the maximum. Concerted efforts will assist you in achieving your cherished objective – your hatchling’s whole brain development. A wholesome brain is the one that performs better under any condition including academic, social, logical and psychological. Left, right and whole brain development are attainable through various, vivid activities. Incorporation of such activities in brain development programs is crucially imperative. This will enrich your child’s mental development and proliferation.  

Right Brain VS Left Brain Learner: Who Is Better?

Right Brain VS Left Brain Learner: Who Is Better? Are you more of a ‘maths’ person or ‘arts’ person? This is a common question that we start getting asked in school. Sentences like “I am not creative,” “I hate maths,” “I am a right-brain dominant person,” or “I am a left-brained thinker” are commonly heard among adults and kids both. But how much of this right brain vs left brain thinking is really true? Several facts have gotten oversimplified in the war between the analytical left-brained and the creative right-brained people. But let’s get one thing straight. No person or kid is walking around with one side of their brain hilariously bigger than the other. All of us have perfectly equal-sized brains, with each side busy chattering with the other. The Indian schooling system focuses on memory and retention learning while stifling the kid’s creativity. At Tickle Right, we focus on activities that impart education with creativity. Our right brain education program prepares your child to be confident and empathetic with a lightening fast grasping speed.    Right Brain VS Left Brain Characteristics The brain is divided into two parts– the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Each part of the brain focuses on a specific type of skill. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right-hand side of the body. Left brain activities include speech, language, and recognizing words, letters, and numbers. The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left-hand side of the body. Right brain activities include creativity, organizing information, and interpreting social cues. It is also good at recognizing visual and spatial information. The two hemispheres of the brain connect to each other by a bridge called the corpus callosum. They constantly coordinate with each other via this bridge. When we perform any activity, both sides of the brain process different aspects of the same information. It then coordinates with each other to give a response.    Right Brain Functions: Organization of information Abstract thinking, processing visual information Recognizing spatial relationships (e.g., map reading or shape recognition) Intuition, emotion, imagination Music and art appreciation Controls the left side of the body   Left Brain Functions: Speaking, reading, writing, listening Grammar Number skills & computation skills Information analysis Reasoning, logic, & linear thinking Controls the right side of the body   The Right Brain Dominant VS Left Brain Dominant: Which Is Better? We humans really like to categorize ourselves. That’s why Buzzfeed quizzes are so popular. We divide ourselves and our kids into logical vs creative, like left brain vs right brain individuals. This is simply not correct. Any activity, be it as logical as maths or as creative like painting, requires both sides of the brain.  For example, in a conversation, the left brain focuses on picking out sounds that form words and understanding the syntax of a phrase. The right brain grasps the emotional features of the language, focusing on intonation and stress in the patterns of speech. Therefore, a conversation would need both sides of the brain. The left side to understand the language and the right side to pick up the social cues of the conversation. We know what you are thinking, so why are some people more creative and others more logical? It comes down to training your brain to think a certain way. Regular schooling focuses on reading, writing, speaking, and analyzing information. Empathy, musical awareness, or any out-of-the-box thinking does not get due heed in general. The natural creative and curious nature of kids gets suppressed, and we seem to ‘lose’ our creativity by the time we become adults. But we never lose it. Just like any other skill, creativity becomes rusty from disuse.  At Tickle Right, we focus on right-side brain development activities. The best time to develop a child’s creative skills is when they are still at their most curious and creative. You must take leverage of their rapidly expanding brains to train them in visualization skills. This enhances their photographic memory and instills confidence, patience, self-expression, and speaking skills in each child. Right brain training activities such as processing and recognizing visual data at lightning speed. It enables their brains to develop a faster reaction time.   Strengthening The Left Brain And Right Brain Connections  The brain consists of billions of neural pathways. You can imagine these pathways sort of as hiking trails. With enough use, a hiking trail would become well-worn and easy to travel by. On the other hand, a less-traveled trail would become overgrown and gradually become lost. The brain is somewhat similar. Learning and new experiences can form and strengthen new pathways. Infrequently used pathways get ‘pruned.’  The good news is that the brain’s enormous capacity to learn can is advantageous to us. One can take up several activities to enhance the connections in the brain.  Making Art: Experimenting with different arts will help create new brain pathways. It enhances brain connections and boosts brain performance overall. Exercise: Physical activity for at least 30 minutes improves memory and motor skill coordination. It also improves memory, attention span, and the overall efficiency of the brain.  Learning A Musical Instrument: There is mental and physical syncing required to learn a musical instrument. It is a fantastic workout for the brain. It boosts bilateral brain connectivity. Learning A Foreign Language: It’s a complex brain activity. It requires the brain to shift from thinking to speaking in another language. It also requires memory expansion which stimulates the brain. Reading Complex Things: Reading things outside your comfort zone increases brain activity. It speeds up your mental processing and boosts connectivity in the brain. Hobbies Needing Mental & Physical Coordination: Any hobby that involves new thinking and physical coordination. Any sort of new activity will constantly stimulate both sides of the brain, especially if they involve cognition, memory, and physical coordination. For e.g., Quilting, knitting, dancing, sketching, etc.   Tips To Mind When Your Child Learns With Right-Brain Activities While you boost your child’s learning with right-brain activities,